Emotional Mind Mending Therapy
What does it mean to overreact? Perhaps you have done it, witnessed it or been on the receiving end of someone else’s overreaction. Or perhaps you start in a direction or a “goal” and experience the frustration of just never following through.
It all relates to the word “feelings”. Feelings can dictate a person’s actions and even their lack of actions such as in going after an outcome. The bad part of feelings, or we will call them emotions, is that they are so well rooted in our being that we cannot seem to escape them.
The process of Emotional Mind Mending allows us to remove the decisions the past that limit moving ahead and to let go of the negative feelings that seem to drive our behavior.
So what do “feeling” mean? Where do the control of the emotions begin? Why does it seem so difficult to escape the action and worse the reaction of emotions in all areas of life? Both the questions and the solutions are revealed in Emotional Mind Mending Therapy.
The process of Emotional Mind Mending allows us to remove the decisions of the past that limit moving ahead and to let go of the negative feelings that seem to drive our behavior.
The great plus is once the cleanup is done, then the same process can create a new desired future and install it into our lives.
Mind Mending Therapy is a multipart process that reviews and moves through the negative emotions that a person may experience by giving them understanding and definition. The next part is to actually remove the impact of those negative emotions on the present and future. Third would be the discovery and the change of the limiting beliefs that those negative emotions created in the person’s life. Those beliefs that have stopped success and the accomplishment of dreams and desires. Finally comes the assistance in preparation of creating achievable outcomes for the future and literally making them a part of the person’s future.
The process is a mind mending event, but is not hypnosis nor psycho-analysis. It is a simple and easy process that has dynamic effect on the lives of those that participate. The results of Mind Mending has been to:
Relieve and remove the symptoms of PTSD
Stop Anger and the resulting outbursts
Relieve grief and sorrow
Change financial futures
Create Goals and Outcomes
Overcome Stress and Anxiety
And much more.
Mind Mending processes can be set as a stand-alone procedure, but is frequently included in the process of hypnosis and/or Christian Counseling. To learn the benefits of Mind Mending Therapy for yourself set your first appointment today.